Holiday Remembrance Events

The dark winter months can teach us so much about endings and the new life that grows from fallow times. A short list of the spaces I and others are holding this holiday season for reflection, grief, remembrance, and regeneration:

Read on for details…

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All Souls Stories: Two Tales from the Vault

Mourning, in the streets: wearing Marcy’s nightgowns for Tucson’s 100,000-person All Souls Procession two years ago.

Participating in a powerful community mourning and remembrance ritual

Each year, Halloween looks more like Christmas. The lights are orange and white instead of red and green; fake spider webs stretched over hedges, instead of fake snow; the giant inflatables with motors droning, just as unconvincing. But amidst the holiday-du-jour trimmings, there’s something more macabre springing up on lawn after lawn. Fake graveyards. With body parts reaching out. Full-size skeletons, both human and canine.

I’m not sure what to make of this upsurge in death decor.

For me, the veil does seem thinner this time of year. Many of my dead have been reaching out. So many faces surfacing through Facebook memories. Marcy aglow with the zeal of a Cancer Warrior; Marcy cadaverous. Kathy, cadaverous and aglow, at a family wedding just days before her death. The reminders aren’t only digital. Every old growth tree seems to whisper the name of Bill, who loved these old ones with such a fervor.

In Tucson, tens of thousands are preparing to remember their dead in a community mourning ritual. Here, two stories of how we first stumbled upon the All Soul’s Procession, then returned with a personal altar to honor my father and, later, a flannel-bedecked tribute to my friend Marcy.

Monthly Film Night Comes to an End

Death Talk Digest readers know better than most that all good things must come to an end. And so it is with our monthly film and discussion series, Death Talk Goes to the Movies – we’re calling it quits after three great years of gathering on the 4th Tuesday of most months at the Clinton Street Theater.

If you’re in Portland, please join us for our last two months of events…
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The Perils of Autonomy & Independence

Interdependence: Three Sisters Garden, Tsyunhehkw^, Oneida Nation, Wisconsin

It’s often said that the Baby Boomers – 10,000 of whom are turning 65 each day now – are going to transform how we age and how we die. But I’m troubled by the form this seems to be taking.

Everywhere I see mottos of individual entitlement: “My Life. My Death. My Way.”

Every day my in-box contains another manifestation of this. A recent invitation offers a digital tool to join in “living well, dying better, and being remembered the right way….Achieving immortality has never been easier,” we’re assured “…in as little as an hour.”

Last week, thousands of people gathered in community meeting halls around the country to watch Dr Atul Gawande, bestselling author of Being Mortal, in a simulcast talk on “The Value of Community and Choice As We Grow Older”. Setting the stage for his description of the problem, he referenced the three plagues of growing old: boredom, loneliness, and helplessness.
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